Performance: registering logo.png with logo_in_clutter.png. takes 1-2 minutes with default parameters. The cluttered logo image 600x824 in size. The logo image is 252x257 in size.
- Increasing the minMatchDistance parameter to reduce matching the same object more than once. More matches would return as a result. The parameter value seems to be a Manhattan distance.
- Increasing the maxMatches from default would also help discover intended matches if it is rotated.
- Use the trio [ scales, minScale, maxScale ] to improve matching due to size variants.
- pad_X and pad_Y are x-steps and y-steps in Sliding Window Iterator, which is being used by the current implementation.
- templScale parameter is simply set to label the current scale-factor of the supplied 'logo' is, should leave it as 1.
- Noise edges at the top half of the cluttered image often achieve 'high scores' with the 'logo', making other candidate matches essential to be looked at.
- The results and costs vector are sorted in ascending order of costs.
Good introduction:
- Presentation "Chamfer Matching and Hausdauf Distance" by Ankur Datta
- Class Diagrams from the original implementation by Marius Muja: